So i want to use one thermostat to control my oil forced air furnace and my heat exchanger coil fed from wood boiler in garage. Is this possible to do? I think I have thought of a way to do it but i am unsure if it is actually possible. Here it goes, i have a ranco temperature controler that will monitor my storage tank temp say set to 130°,(i have cable running from house to garage) so when temp is above that i would have power via the ranco relay in the house to my circulator, and taco switching relay and would like to install a relay somewhere on my oil furnace to stop the burner from firing but maintain the fan control to provide air circulation thru heat exchanger controlled by the thermostat . If temps on storage tanks were to fall below 130° it would open the ranco circuit, killing power to circulation pump, taco switching relay and close the contact on the relay that is installed somewhere on the oil furnace, and furnace would operate like normal. Hopefully it's not too hard to understand, basically i need to find a way to stop the oil burner from firing if that's possible. It's an olson oil furnace with Beckett burner, I've attached wiring diagram of furnace. Any help would be great, thanks