I'm currently building a new home. I have a boiler room off of the back of the garage where 2 500 gallon storage tanks and a Tasso boiler will be located. I have an abundance of wood so wood burning efficiency is not primary focus here. I'm pressed for money this year and the old cast iron boiler will have to do for now. Wood boiler and storage system will be pressurized using a head tank above the tanks. My current plan: I'll have a condensing gas boiler to heat the water in the indirect tank, 1 coil in the indirect tank will be DHW. The other will be water fed from the wood boiler/storage water. I want max surface area on the wood boiler coil to utilize as much of the storage during non-fire times. That way I can draw storage tank temps down and make use of the wood boiler heated water. I've done a little research online and there seems to be a many brands Heat-flo, Bock, boilermate, bradfordwhite, etc.
Has anyone used twin coil indirect tanks in this configuration? Any downfalls? Can enough heat be pulled from wood boiler system to keep my deltaT between systems minimal? Should I use just a single coil tank for DHW on it's own zone and use a heat exchanger on the gas boiler loop? I also plan on running this during the summer to provide DHW. I've attached a rough sketch of how I think the system should look like, I'm missing a few things, I'll have to add a valve of some sort to prevent pulling cold water from my offline boiler. The expansion tank connection may be at storage tank top too. Any input on indirect options/heat exchangers will be greatly appreciated.
Has anyone used twin coil indirect tanks in this configuration? Any downfalls? Can enough heat be pulled from wood boiler system to keep my deltaT between systems minimal? Should I use just a single coil tank for DHW on it's own zone and use a heat exchanger on the gas boiler loop? I also plan on running this during the summer to provide DHW. I've attached a rough sketch of how I think the system should look like, I'm missing a few things, I'll have to add a valve of some sort to prevent pulling cold water from my offline boiler. The expansion tank connection may be at storage tank top too. Any input on indirect options/heat exchangers will be greatly appreciated.