I recently had a Clydesdale installed and the liner used was a single wall SS flex pipe. It is not insulated and the installer used no insulation what so ever when he installed it. Should he have? I'm not sure if I'm right in my thinking or if I'm understanding what I have been reading on the site entirely but I think I should pop the cap and insulate around the liner and then seal it ( it wasn't sealed correctly anyway) and then remove the surround and insulate the liner around the damper area and install a block off plate. Am I getting this right????? If so, what type of insulation do I need? How far down from the top cap should I stuff it or should I even bother with the insulation up there? Can the insulation be packed right against the liner at the top as well as in the damper area? I apologize for all the questions but I want to get it right the first time seeing as I don't think the installer did. Thanks.