I'm at the point where I need to insulate my "homebrewed" boiler. I would like to use a closed cell foam, but I have heard different installers say that 212 F may cause the foam to crack. My guess is that my system will mostly run at nothing higher then 190 F, but one needs to plan for worst case senarios which would be the water boiling in the tank, although 3000 gal of water boiling sounds like more fun then I care to have. Just wondering if anybody knows of a product that might work in this application. I may install the foam at the bottom of the tank and then use fiberglass from the midpoint up as the bottom of the tank would be a bit cooler unless it boiler for a long time. It would take a depth of 7 feet of water a long time to reach equilibrium at 212. I'd like to hear anybody's thoughts on this.