Ah, the politics of energy. A topic which I have thought about often. Is it really true that certain parts of the country care less about energy efficiency and other parts care more? Does the thought of someone from TX or SC driving around in a big (empty) pickup and going home to a house with air conditioning on full blast have any basis in reality.
Heck if I know....but sometimes it seems so.
Well, to add to that perception, here is a recent study from the ACEEE, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy.
(broken link removed)
This study grades the states with a scorecard as to how they are leading the way in efficiency.
Without further ado, the results:
1. Vermont, Connecticut, and California (tie)
4. Massachusetts
5. Oregon
6. Washington
7. New York
8. New Jersey
9. Rhode Island, Minnesota (tie)
Hmmm, interesting. Those states are all considered "blue", and some of the leaders (ma, ca, vt) are usually the laughing stock of the conservatives due to their "socialist" policies.
And don't think the number were too close -
"The top ten states earn scores between 20 and 33 out of a possible 44 points, and the next fifteen states’ scores trail fairly moderately behind: all score more than 10 points, up to 17.5 points. The bottom 26 states, however, seriously lag behind the other states, scoring between 0.5 and 10 points.'
Wow, that's a big difference......some states are 10X as high as the "losers".
The study ranks a number of items, such as:
1. Spending on Utility and Public Benefits Energy Efficiency Programs
2. Energy Efficiency Resource Standards (EERS)
3. Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
4. Building Energy Codes
5. Transportation Policies
6. Appliance and Equipment Efficiency Standards
7. Tax Incentives
8. State Lead by Example and Research & Development
When it comes to politics, it appears that "conservatism" does not mean conserving!
Heck if I know....but sometimes it seems so.
Well, to add to that perception, here is a recent study from the ACEEE, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy.
(broken link removed)
This study grades the states with a scorecard as to how they are leading the way in efficiency.
Without further ado, the results:
1. Vermont, Connecticut, and California (tie)
4. Massachusetts
5. Oregon
6. Washington
7. New York
8. New Jersey
9. Rhode Island, Minnesota (tie)
Hmmm, interesting. Those states are all considered "blue", and some of the leaders (ma, ca, vt) are usually the laughing stock of the conservatives due to their "socialist" policies.
And don't think the number were too close -
"The top ten states earn scores between 20 and 33 out of a possible 44 points, and the next fifteen states’ scores trail fairly moderately behind: all score more than 10 points, up to 17.5 points. The bottom 26 states, however, seriously lag behind the other states, scoring between 0.5 and 10 points.'
Wow, that's a big difference......some states are 10X as high as the "losers".
The study ranks a number of items, such as:
1. Spending on Utility and Public Benefits Energy Efficiency Programs
2. Energy Efficiency Resource Standards (EERS)
3. Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
4. Building Energy Codes
5. Transportation Policies
6. Appliance and Equipment Efficiency Standards
7. Tax Incentives
8. State Lead by Example and Research & Development
When it comes to politics, it appears that "conservatism" does not mean conserving!