I looked at the prices in some of my saws and it seems like the prices sure have jumped lately. I mean I see the w90XP’s with a 28" B/C for $1240 and that’s not a fluke price from some dreamer either as there’s more sellers asking about the same for them. And I bought a new 543XP last spring for $330 with a 16" B/C and now they are in the $500 range. My 562XP is now around a grand, holy smokes! I paid $600 but it has been sometime now, I think I got that saw 5 years ago or so but still that’s a 40% increase in 5 years time. Those three saws I had ported so I imagine they are worth something now but I’ll never sell them. When I die my nieces will get them and They will probably drop them off at their local Goodwill store lol.