My brand new Jotel 500 seems to be mechanically perfect but I notice a disturbing tendency for it to fail to control temperature rise even with the air control all of the way down. This occurs only after a fire is well established with a thick bed of hot coals. I am burning 1 year old alder in fairly small splits. This evening after refueling (roughly about a quarter of a full load) and with the stovetop temperature at about 400 I shut down the air completely by pushing the control lever all of the way left. Fifteen minutes later I noticed the temperature was at 550 and climbing. The firebox was full of lazy flames. I had seen this behavior before (the stove temp rose to over 800 that time before I discovered it) so I had been half expecting it to happen again. This time I disconnected the air inlet pipe at the rear of the stove and sealed it with a sheet of aluminum foil. That effectively shut down the fire and the temperature began to fall so I know I do not have a problem with leaky gaskets. I am afraid to load the stove up full so that it will burn overnight. Again, this only occurs when a thick hot bed of coals exists. A less mature fire behaves exactly as one would expect and the air control works as advertised. The only not-quite-standard aspect of my installation is that I am using an 8 inch insulated stovepipe mated to the 5 inch outlet of the stove through an adapter. The Jotel rep and store clerk assurred me that this was OK. The stovepipe rises vertically about 12 feet.