just now found this thread discussing my custom JUCA insert at Aboristsite... Yes I love chainsaws!
yes it's real and very well constructed out of 1/4in steel.
yes it's got a 12 cubic feet firebox..
yes it uses a ton of air which is feed via ash dump. no inside air is used for combustion.
yes key to it's efficiency is it's super high heat transfer abilities. it's one big hollow heat exchanger with a high volume blower... controlled by a thermal fan switch. all electrical components are UL rated.
the plan is to add a secondary burn system. which should double it's burn efficiency.
no.. it doesn't creosote... 3 season with almost no creosote in chimney. high temps generated results in a complete burn, means no creosote.
no I don't burn green logs all the time. example was posted to showcase JUCA's clean burn ability. when I first started burning wood... didn't have time yet to cut and season wood. when one runs out of wood... and all you have on hand is green wood. one finds the best green wood available which is ash. that and dead standing oaks.
in Tulsa, OK... my home is a well insulated 2500 sqft single level ranch style home built mid 50's. My JUCA has been the only source of heat for 3 seasons. last season burnt a little over 4 cords of hardwood. a mixture of Oak and Pecan.
yes.. there's some wacky topics on the JUCA site... but it also happens to contain the most information of wood burning on the WWW. where else would one find out which wood burns the best green. or how to properly duct your heat output into your existing HVAC. there's diagrams on how to construct flappers to handle air flow direction. etc..etc..etc.
yes.. JUCA wall angles are very carefully designed to draft. when doors are closed, the fire noticeably increases in intensity.
have no idea about JUCA production status... one thing is for sure... JUCA could care less about selling you one or not...
ordered all the options possible for my insert. which by the way, was custom built to fit my fireplace. based upon the dimensions I sent in. since I have a large fireplace... I ended up with a large insert... with a 12 cubic feet firebox. fit was perfect with close tolerances from insert to fireplace interior, including interior angles. Custom all the way!
received a world class product at a super reasonable price... paid a total of $1,850 including shipping to Tulsa dock. don't know of any mfg that could even come close to what I received for $$ spent.
stoveguy2esw said:
well, 3 cords is 3 cords , may be a good bit less than some use in here , more than i ever have, but the variables in that are quite wide, im my home i have 2 of our stoves ( i work for englander) i have a 24-ac catalytic woodstove , and i have a 25-pdvc pellet unit. never have i run both at the same time , no need i have a 1250 sq ft ranch , live in south central Va and im pretty well insulated. now if i lived in montana and had a 2500 sq ft home and was not as well insulated , 3 cords would be a steal for me. so the variation between locations alone is quite a bit. i burned (when i just had the woodstove , about 3 ford ranger pickup truck loads in a season ,if that. now that im using the pellet unit mostly (wife likes the simplicity) i burn about 1.5 ton of pellets on average per season. i have customers who burn 4 to 5 tons in a year up north. like i said there are a lot of variables.
i cannot say " the thing is a deathtrap" on the contrary , it may very well be fully listed and a very solid unit , i just do not know of it personally and before i would back off my stance i would need to know more specifics. if sombody shows these things to me , i will retract my statement live and in color right here in this forum. i have been corrected in the past and have been happy with the knowledge i gained from the correction. but i would like to know about the answers to the concerns i have about this brand. and i will stand with my opinion until i am(not proven wrong) but educated. my biggest concern isnt that another company is showing up my product (hey there are a lot of great manufaturers out there who by the way do not dance around like this one does)my biggest concern is safety, plain and simple. my posts are my way of showing that i have your best interests at heart