Kozi Woodland WLD-P not so Cozy - What is the cause here?

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Minister of Fire
Hearth Supporter
Feb 1, 2010
Salem NH

This Kozy Woodland was made in 2008 and has straight out venting but inside it does go down about 1 foot to connect to the stove. It also has an OAK that comes in around the bottom of the vent pipe into a warming box. That is neat.

Title is incorrect, it is a Kozy Heat stove not to be confused with Kozi !!
Kozy support line is 1-800-253-4904

We cleaned the stove and the venting very well. The ash trap removal door behind the ash pan was very full so we cleaned it and the ash chambers and the exhaust plenum and venting.

The original problem of course was the igniter burned out and was popping the 5 amp fuse on the control panel. the interesting part here is the igniter had an inline fuse which is 6 amps from the igniter to the terminal block. That is fairly useless unless a smaller fuse that the control panel fuse is used here! LOL

Anyway, the igniter was replaced and during startup glows hot, so it is now working. the fuse does not blow either. However the pellets do not ignite and the stove does not start automatically ! ! !

It seams like an airflow issue. However when moving the heat level up from 1 to 5 we hear no change in exhaust blower fan speed.

One other important observation is that there was never a surge protector on the stove and it is in an older home!

Manual does not show this problem!
(broken link removed to http://www.kozyheat.com/pdf_files/woodland_operating.pdf)

Has anyone seen these symptoms and know the cause or cure?

The stove does start manually and it takes a while for the flame to come up but it does and the room blower still comes on to heat the home.

Pic 1 - InLine fuse holder connected to terminal block and igniter
Pic 2 - Igniter
Pic 3 - small flame when started manually


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The stove does start manually and it takes a while for the flame to come up but it does and the room blower still comes on to heat the home.​

Anyway, the igniter was replaced and during startup glows hot, so it is now working. the fuse does not blow either. However the pellets do not ignite and the stove does not start automatically ! ! !​

So the "new" igniter will not ignite the pellets yet you can put a handful of pellets in the pot and iginite it manually and it works?? Why would that be? Makes no sense to me. wet pellets?? Bad Igniter?? Or wrong voltage to the ignitier which should mean it will not glow red. You sure the igniter is in the right place so that it is making contact with the pellets? You got a strange one there.
Don, the controller may start the blower in high for start up sequence? That could be why the blower speed doesn't change when you change heat settings?

I agree with mralias above, possibly igniter placement? Is it lined up correctly? Is it the correct distance inside or outside the pot?

Also, have the motors been serviced and lubed recently? We're all ash traps and exhaust passages cleaned??

What do you mean when you say the vent goes down 1 ft?
So the "new" igniter will not ignite the pellets yet you can put a handful of pellets in the pot and iginite it manually and it works?? Why would that be? Makes no sense to me. wet pellets?? Bad Igniter?? Or wrong voltage to the igniter which should mean it will not glow red. You sure the igniter is in the right place so that it is making contact with the pellets? You got a strange one there.


Just got off the phone with their support. The tech stated that due to the integral design of the stove, that too much inlet air can keep the ignitor from lighting the pellets. Their design does not used forced air ignition like many stoves where the igniter is installed directly in the path of the input burn air. So the input air must be greatly restricted during auto ignition!

This must be done in two ways.
1. Set the air restrictor on the back of the stove on the air inlet pipe perpendicular to the inlet pipe. This is the closed position. However this is not enough since the air restrictor is only 1.5 inches in the 2 inch pipe.
See pic 1

2. Close off approx half of the air inlet hole located behind the ash pan in the bottom of the front of the stove using high temp foil tape from home depot. A stronger fix, is to use a piece of metal flashing with magnets to hold it in place. Then it can be re-adjusted to allow the max air and have the pellets still ignite.
See pic 2

Also the InLine fuse on the Igniter is not original to the stove and he cannot suggest what amp fuse to put in there. He said the mini glass fuse in the control panel is 5 amps.


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Reactions: MikeFarrington
Interesting. How well does it burn after lit with the airflow restriction in place?
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