Here are some in-progress photos of my Vapor Fire 100. I have 98% of the wiring done and just waiting for the HVAC guy to make/install the plenum and duct it over to the existing ductwork so I can wire in the powered damper and high temp limit switch. I found a used 40 gallon electric water heater which I cleaned out, removed the heating coils, installed new fittings/anode rod/pop-off & drain valves and have it ready to be connected to the water coil on the Kuuma. Also have everything wired and set for the humidifier I'll be installing on the plenum. Daryl has been a tremendous help and the build quality of the furnace is amazing. This coming winter and all future winters will be completely different than what we are used to.....which was burning 4+ cords of wood while still using ~$2,000 worth of propane a year all while keeping it 50°-52° at night & when at work. Then having to build a fire in the fireplace after getting home from work to "heat" the house while we were home. Repeat every day throughout the winter. It sounds a bit crazy, but I've been excited for winter since about March! lol