Woke up yesterday to 67* in the house. Was going to hit the upper 40's with lots of sun, so didn't start a morning fire for the first time since November. Solar gain got the sun room very hot by 12pm, opened the door from sun room to house, and by 2pm, house at 76*. By 11pm, house down to 69*, so, with higher temps predicted for today and plenty of sun, I didn't start a night fire either. Woke up this morning to 60* in the house - pretty chilly. But, I'm not starting a fire, because by early afternoon, I'll have the house back into the mid-70's using the sun room. Fleece jackets for a few hours this morning should do the trick. Looks like the next several days are going to be similar, so........might have a couple night fires to wake up to a warmer house, but might just take a break and let the stove sit. Feels strange to see the stove sitting cold - it's been a long time! I guess the northeast might be finally getting toward some kind of spring weather, but I'm sure there will be some more burning before it's officially time to give the stone a summer respite. Cheers!