Lignetics white bag hard wood

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New Member
Nov 14, 2019
Anyone else try these in the northeast? I bought a ton (my first year with a pellet stove) and figured they’d be better than the stove chow I ran. They are slightly cleaner but less BTU’s. Just really terrible. I’m doing well with energex, and bought 3 tons of them. I’ve been mixing 1/3 lignetics in with 2/3 energex to get rid of them. Both brand $260/ton cash.
[] Lignetics white bag hard wood
Anyone else try these in the northeast? I bought a ton (my first year with a pellet stove) and figured they’d be better than the stove chow I ran. They are slightly cleaner but less BTU’s. Just really terrible. I’m doing well with energex, and bought 3 tons of them. I’ve been mixing 1/3 lignetics in with 2/3 energex to get rid of them. Both brand $260/ton cash.
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Don't know what the bag says but I try to get at least 85 8600 BTU stuff. Right now burning Douglas Firs at 8900 btu. Rocket Fuel!
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Don't know what the bag says but I try to get at least 85 8600 BTU stuff. Right now burning Douglas Firs at 8900 btu. Rocket Fuel!
Same here picked up several bags of Minuteman Douglas Firs, literally no ash and lot's of heat!
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Just a heads up but Stove Chow is made by Energex.Some years they are great and other times not so much.Energex makes a good softwood pellet if you can find it.
Just a heads up but Stove Chow is made by Energex.Some years they are great and other times not so much.Energex makes a good softwood pellet if you can find it.
About 4 yrs ago i bought energex golden pellets.very super clean hardwood. Never see them anymore. Yes. They bag and distribute stove chows to many BBStores here in Pa.


  • [] Lignetics white bag hard wood
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Can't find softwood pellets here in the Cincinnati area.
Got Lignetics at Menard's for $4.98/bag. It burns quite cleanly.
[] Lignetics white bag hard wood[] Lignetics white bag hard wood
Then - I went back to the same Menards a week later and they only had Indeck Energy for same price but lower BTU. Also, I noticed that it built up more creosote on the glass.
[] Lignetics white bag hard wood[] Lignetics white bag hard wood
The pellets here in the Northeast are not good this year. I’m very disappointed in what I’m seeing while cleaning stoves. Lignetics just purchased Energex and purchased New England in 2018. They must now own 15 plants. The NE pellets I’ve seen this year aren’t good. I don’t mean to be this way but I’m going to say what I see. Lignetic used to be a good pellet a few years back but that’s not what people are telling me any longer. Our best pellet is Cubex but we can only get so many. Things aren’t good with pellets in this area.
wow... energex is from here in western of the largest producers in the mid atlantic..
at the least' they bagged and distributed pellets as Stove chows[along with other brands] for most of the home depots in the East..
wow... energex is from here in western of the largest producers in the mid atlantic..
at the least' they bagged and distributed pellets as Stove chows[along with other brands] for most of the home depots in the East..
I was surprised when I heard about the sale. Lignetics is by far the largest manufacturer in the Northeast. If not anywhere.
Don't care what I burn, makes no difference as I just add a bit 1-3 with my Midwestern dent corn to keep the corn klinkers under control. Realized heat from corn beats any pellet hands down (realized BTU per pound of fuel). Right now it's Michigan Hardwood (what I've used for a few years but I like Somerset too. Just not available this year here.

Only issue with corn is you must clean the stove every 3 days and not just remove the ash but vacuum it out behind the baffles and dump the cleanout on the venting too. Corn makes a huge amount of fly ash. The downside. The upside is it's free for me. so my total yearly cost in fuel is one ton of pellets to mix with the corn = $218.00