Here's a few pics of my log splitter. My favorite part of the whole process is splitting. Running the saw....meh. Hauling...ho hum. Stacking....oh well. but. Those things are necessary only to get to do more splitting! Here it is:
6# with fiberglass core/plastic handle. 30 years old. The original hardwood handle only lasted 5 years, the handle that's on there now I purchased 25 years ago. In 30 years time, that maul and I have pounded through 200 cord, a conservative estimate. I have an older 6# maul, but it has the round sledge hammer type handle. The round handle isn't as strong and never lasted as long. It's been setting on my workbench now with the handle broke off for the 30 years since buying this maul.
It's got some dings here:
And some cracks there:
A few years ago I noticed it was starting to get loose here:
When I noticed that, I thought maybe it was time to get a spare. I bought a new 6# maul from ACE Hardware, but so far it's been wasted money. It's one of those with the yellow handle and the black overstrike protector. It looks like the head isn't glued on either, but slid down the handle until it gets tight on a tapered end. Interesting, and probably a very good maul. It hangs on the wall, still having never been swung. I'm not sure I ever will swing it either. I think, if the time comes, I will buy a new handle for my favorite.
The only bad thing, I sharpened it once when I was a younger man. What a mistake. Took a long time for it to dull itself back down and get into good splitting form again. Lesson learned, after much wiggling of the handle to get it unstuck from the wood!
Thanks for looking!
6# with fiberglass core/plastic handle. 30 years old. The original hardwood handle only lasted 5 years, the handle that's on there now I purchased 25 years ago. In 30 years time, that maul and I have pounded through 200 cord, a conservative estimate. I have an older 6# maul, but it has the round sledge hammer type handle. The round handle isn't as strong and never lasted as long. It's been setting on my workbench now with the handle broke off for the 30 years since buying this maul.
It's got some dings here:
And some cracks there:
A few years ago I noticed it was starting to get loose here:
When I noticed that, I thought maybe it was time to get a spare. I bought a new 6# maul from ACE Hardware, but so far it's been wasted money. It's one of those with the yellow handle and the black overstrike protector. It looks like the head isn't glued on either, but slid down the handle until it gets tight on a tapered end. Interesting, and probably a very good maul. It hangs on the wall, still having never been swung. I'm not sure I ever will swing it either. I think, if the time comes, I will buy a new handle for my favorite.
The only bad thing, I sharpened it once when I was a younger man. What a mistake. Took a long time for it to dull itself back down and get into good splitting form again. Lesson learned, after much wiggling of the handle to get it unstuck from the wood!
Thanks for looking!