I got the go ahead to take a tall standing dead Oak. The only problem I foresee is it might be full of ants. I don't bring buggy wood to my house because I'm in the city, with a small yard and close neighbors. That being said, once I commit to felling this tree I have to take it. I can't leave it there if I don't want it. It's at a golf course and with all the cut backs, they don't have the extra help to move it if I don't want it. They have a small woods where they dump a lot of yard debris so I ask if it's buggy if I can dump it in the woods and come and get it next winter. Sure, no problem they said. My question is this, if I buck the tree up and drop it in the woods, will the ants leave it over the summer? Would there be something I could do to encourage them to leave? I love burning fully seasoned Red Oak because of the longer burn times and coal bed allowing me more sleep What you guys (or gals) think?