Looking for a good deal on an inverter

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Minister of Fire
Hearth Supporter
Dec 19, 2005
Hi folks - I have a very small inverter (400w) that I power with a deep cycle battery. I'd like to step up and get a more powerful one so I can run a few lights or small appliance during a power outage. I'm thinking maybe 800w - 1000w. I always have spare batteries that I keep charged up for my boat. Anybody seen a good deal on a recommended brand?
I bought an 800w a few years ago at Home Depot. They seemed to have the most resonable prices and at the time they had a large selection of sizes.
I won't buy anything electric or tronic online or by mail. I want to be able to return the thing without BS if I have problems.
We use the 1200W ones from Harbor Freight in conjunction with 36v to 12v transformers to run laptops and optical scan guns on our forklifts. We have one die every once in a while but overall get pretty good service from them as most will run 40 hrs or so a week. Last ones that I bought were on sale for $100.00 each, I think.
wahoowad said:
Hi folks - I have a very small inverter (400w) that I power with a deep cycle battery. I'd like to step up and get a more powerful one so I can run a few lights or small appliance during a power outage. I'm thinking maybe 800w - 1000w. I always have spare batteries that I keep charged up for my boat. Anybody seen a good deal on a recommended brand?

Check out Amazon too they had some good deals when I was looking at them a yr. ago..

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