I've been driving my self crazy with playing around with fans trying to move heat out of.my dinning room where my jotul f600 sits. Ive done a ton of searching around for ideas on the web and have tried countless ideas I've come.across. I have a pretty well insulated colonial at 2800sqft I've attached a picture of floor plan layout for referance currently I'm running a box fan in my.living room.blowing cold air across my kitchen floor towards my dining room.where my stove is. I have tried running this fan on high low and medium I do get some heat to move but I have t stat temps in the dinning room of 84 degrees and my den im hard pressed to get over 68 to 70 tops the two rooms are separated by my kitchen which is only 15 ft apart. The doorway from the dinning room to the kitchen has a header it is not a floor to celing opening. Same goes for kitchen to living room. The living room im.working to get warmer is 400sqft and its tight recently remodeled any one have any other recommendations or advice ? I'm curious if the doorway headers are causing convection issues