I have done some searching and someone recommended Glenwood boilers. I was looking at the model 7030 to be exact. I have heated primarily with wood for the past 13 years using a Dutch West wood stove and have been very happy with it. we are in the process of selling our house and purchasing a house that is of a design that will be hard to heat with a regular wood stove. The EPA phase 2 outdoor wood boilers are kind of pricey and have been problematic from what I have read. I started looking at indoor boilers and the Glenwood came up, from the research I have done I found that it uses automatic controls and can damper down the fire so storage tanks are not a concern. One other nice feature is the boiler uses White-Rodgers and Honneywell controls so if there is an issue parts are radially available from local sources. I have serched and not seen many threads here pertaining to Glenwood. Is there anyone using there boilers ind if so how are they working?
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