I have a Quad MVAE that I bought new in 2011. It runs like a champ. The only problems I've had with it are, I had to replace the igniter a couple of years ago and, a new thermocouple 2 months ago. When I replaced the TC I had a devil of a time removing the bolt from the firepot that holds the clamp. No problem, a little WD40 and some patience and I got it out. Before I put it all back together I put a little anti-seize compound on the 1/4" bolt that holds it in place and tightened it down. For those of you who are not familiar with the Quad, the thermocouple has a ceramic cover and the TC and the cover are supposed to be touching for proper operation. So far, so good. Fire up the stove. Runs great for two days then quits with a TC error. Investigate. TC cover is a little loose. So is the bolt. Tighten. Fire it up. Runs good for a couple of days. See where this is going? Yep, TC error again. Same problem. Take apart. Notice the lockwasher is flat. Replace. Rinse and repeat. TC error. Cover loose. Bolt loose. Not a lot but the cover can be turned by hand. Pull the bolt. Lock washer flattened again. Replaced it again but I am not hopeful. My last thought is to replace with a Nord-Loc 2 piece lock washer. It's on order. Should be here is a few days. Fingers crossed. Have any Quad owners had this problem and what is/was your fix? After the Nord-Locs I'm out of ideas other than check the bolt every couple of days. Thanks for reading and any comments and suggestions. Hope you're all safe and wishing all of you happy holidays.