I am looking at a used Lopi Freedom insert on craigslist. It's 10 years old, but the dimensions and controls look the same as the new models. I am planning to install it in the finished daylight basement. I already have a Hampton HI-300 on the 1st floor which I am very happy with, but when it runs the furnace shuts down and the downstairs gets cold. Most of the time that's fine, but when we want to use both areas it would be nice to have the option of firing up a wood burner. Few questions . . .
1. Has the Lopi Freedom design changed much over the years? (Can I use the specs in the modern brochure to guide my decision about whether it will fit in my hearth? Is this 10yr old model EPA certified?)
2. How does the Lopi Freedom like to be loaded? N-S or E-W? It looks like the firebox is tapered toward the back. It says it can take 24" logs in the front, but 18" in the back. I prefer to load N-S, but not sure how that would work with a tapered firebox.
3. Specs say 2.9 cubic foot firebox, and 12hr burn times. If the box can be loaded efficiently, I believe 10-12 hrs is possible, based on the 10hr burn times I get with my 2.4 cubic foot Hamption HI-300.
Thanks in advance for any help.
1. Has the Lopi Freedom design changed much over the years? (Can I use the specs in the modern brochure to guide my decision about whether it will fit in my hearth? Is this 10yr old model EPA certified?)
2. How does the Lopi Freedom like to be loaded? N-S or E-W? It looks like the firebox is tapered toward the back. It says it can take 24" logs in the front, but 18" in the back. I prefer to load N-S, but not sure how that would work with a tapered firebox.
3. Specs say 2.9 cubic foot firebox, and 12hr burn times. If the box can be loaded efficiently, I believe 10-12 hrs is possible, based on the 10hr burn times I get with my 2.4 cubic foot Hamption HI-300.
Thanks in advance for any help.