Hey guys, Im a complete newbie and just purchased my first wood burning stove. I'm having some trouble finding info on it and was hoping I could find some on this forum. I recently purchased a cabin way up the canyon. Since no gas lines are available up here our primary heat source is a propane fireplace that has been set into the original masonry opening. I have been looking for a good wood stove hoping to bring some authenticity to the place as well as save some money over the winter. After having a revere sold out from underneath me I was lucky enough to find this X-96 for what im hoping was a very reasonable price ($140). It was made in 1990 and is EPA certified. I am wondering what efficiency I can expect to get out of this stove compared to newer models? also I am planning to restore the stove as much as possible (paint ect.) but some of the internal parts appear to be badly rusted, perhaps to much so to be salvageable. I am hoping I can locate replacement parts if it comes down to that. If I am not able to find replacement parts I feel fairly confident I my abilities to build some of the peices, (I have lots of experience in metalworking). I have uploaded a few photos and would appreciate any advise on how I could best restore this stove and where I could possibly find replacement parts. Again i'm a total newbie and have never even used a wood burning stove, let alone owned one, so any advice is helpful.