So this is the second time in the last week that flue temps have peaked at 1300F. New double-wall chimney and PE Fusion stove installed in November by a WETT certified installer. I am now convinced that these EPA stoves are a fire hazard as there is no way to close down the air completely. By the time the temps were climbing, even stuffing the room air supply did not help. This load was on about a 2" coal bed, most of the live coals raked forward, and 4 medium size splits of seasoned oak. Air control was full open for about 2 minutes to get things burning, then closed to 50% for another 5-10mins, then completly closed down after that. Flue temp was just under 600F when the air was closed down completely. I have done all the checks for leaks around the ash clean-out, glass, and door, and everything is fine. I'm going to call the installer back to inspect, but I am at my wits end here.