I recently acquired a really nice Mama Bear from my brother . I didn't notice until after installing it that the door handle/latch seems to me like it is upside down . When closing the door , the handle has to be turned clockwise from the 6 oclock position to about the 7 oclock position to latch the door . Inside the door frame is a piece of steel on an angle to accept the door latch and draw the door tight to the frame . It works fine and the door latches tight but it just seems backward to me to be pulling up on the handle to latch the door . Also , other than just the friction of the latch against the angled piece on the inside , the handle could possibly fall back to the 6 oclock position and the door come open . I cant find any info on a door latch like this and any YouTube videos of Mama Bears have the handle turning counter clockwise and latching at about the 10 oclock position . Has anybody ever seen a Mama Bear like this ? Thanks