My minisplit has really proven to be useful past month (april ) to allow me to cut off wood burning. Although I could run the wood boiler or my wood stove, it really is a lot more convenient to run the mini split on low to medium fan speed and cover the house's heating demand which normally is overnight and in the AM. My Defiant is in the basement and definitely takes a while to transfer heat to the rest of the house leading to overheating when I do use it. Cranking up the wood boiler and bringing up the storage tank to useful temperature would also lead to initial overheating. I expect if I had radiant instead of baseboard I could just run the storage at low temp but I don't see that upgrade happening anytime. I also notice that the heat pump definitely has more heat available as the outdoor temps rise. I don't keep written records, but many years I remember running wood on and off until early May even in warmer years so it has cut back my burning by at least a month and hope I can delay the start of winter heating at least a month or more.
I have made it over the hump with my electric bills. I have used roughly 2100 KW since Nov 1st and just about burned up my surplus on my power bill from solar. I am starting to bank power for next winter so now its a race to see if I can store up enough juice before winter to run another winter this way.
The current temptation is to replace a seven year old mini split AC unit with a new Hyper heat minisplit heat pump so I can zone the house further. NH has another rebate to cover 1/3 the cost.
I have made it over the hump with my electric bills. I have used roughly 2100 KW since Nov 1st and just about burned up my surplus on my power bill from solar. I am starting to bank power for next winter so now its a race to see if I can store up enough juice before winter to run another winter this way.
The current temptation is to replace a seven year old mini split AC unit with a new Hyper heat minisplit heat pump so I can zone the house further. NH has another rebate to cover 1/3 the cost.