So I returned it to TSC. I have no more than 2 hours on the saw doing very light cutting. Today it stalled out so I started it again. Then in the middle of a cut it stalled again. After starting it about six times it would not start again. It acted like it was flooded. I left it set for 20 minutes came back to it and it started on the second pull. It still would not idle without stalling. I took it TSC and explained what was going on. I said I was limbing. He said what, a lemon? No, I was limbing, never mind. He said he could give me my money back or replace the saw. I said I would take a replacement. At the end of the transaction he said well I hope you don't break this saw also. This struck a nerve with me. I explained to him that if I buy something brand new I expect it to run like brand new and is humor is a little off base as far as I am concerned. The replacement saw has not stalled once. Knock on wood.