I currently have an cinder block external chimney that services a Russo Wood Stove. I am having renovations done to the house (full second floor). The chimney is old and last report in 2014 stated the the flue tiles were cracked. I would like to keep part of the chimney that goes through the wall (red brick and it looks nice). My ultimate goal would be cut off the chimney at the T portion and then mate it with stainless pipe, not sure if that is possible but I would like to try that. Other suggestions are welcomed.
I currently have an cinder block external chimney that services a Russo Wood Stove. I am having renovations done to the house (full second floor). The chimney is old and last report in 2014 stated the the flue tiles were cracked. I would like to keep part of the chimney that goes through the wall (red brick and it looks nice). My ultimate goal would be cut off the chimney at the T portion and then mate it with stainless pipe, not sure if that is possible but I would like to try that. Other suggestions are welcomed.
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