We are heating our house with the Englander insert, Model 28-jc, and all has worked out until now... We have been burning.24/7 to keep the furnace off, I am trying to keep the stove as hot as possible, and have been reloading several times a day. I pack the stove about midnight before I go to bed, get it rolling and then close it down. It burns all night, but I leave the blower off because it rattles really loud. When I get up, I load it about 3/4 and crank up the blower, then by noon at the latest I am reloading again. I have loaded it four times today, and while it is about 75 downstairs, It has taken all day to get to 69 upstairs. The stove is cranking out heat, it is currently 24 outside and no wind. We have a vent about 6 feet from the stove going upstairs, and a fan laying on the vent to pull heat up. I have the stairway door open, with a fan at the bottom of the stairs blowing toward the stove. I dont know what else I can do, but I am currently waiting for a load of coals to burn down so I can reload it.