Hello. I'm new to this site and hope this is the place to ask this question.
I have a (1993) Striker S160 wood stove, manufactured by Country Stoves (owned by Lennox). The stove has a vent in the back with 4 screws to attach a blower (fan). Are there any low-cost generic fans I can attach to the back? Right now I'm using a small fan on a table to blow air into the vent (which is working well). Suggestions, advice??? Thanks.
I have a (1993) Striker S160 wood stove, manufactured by Country Stoves (owned by Lennox). The stove has a vent in the back with 4 screws to attach a blower (fan). Are there any low-cost generic fans I can attach to the back? Right now I'm using a small fan on a table to blow air into the vent (which is working well). Suggestions, advice??? Thanks.