Now that some great people on this site have helped me figure out how to re-finish my fireplace, I am also in need of a log splitter and am hoping someone can help me. I have seen Home Depots, Lowes and Tractor Supply's models and haves seen others on the Internet not sure if they are any good.
Does anyone have recommendations on a good log splitter? I want gas powered and I am looking at splitting 3-4 cords per year of mixed woods, mainly maple, cherry, chestnut, and oak if I am lucky. I would like a horizontal and vertical combo splitter as I sometimes get pretty heavy logs. Any help if much appreciated.
Does anyone have recommendations on a good log splitter? I want gas powered and I am looking at splitting 3-4 cords per year of mixed woods, mainly maple, cherry, chestnut, and oak if I am lucky. I would like a horizontal and vertical combo splitter as I sometimes get pretty heavy logs. Any help if much appreciated.