I have a 1987 Woodstock Fireview stove that I inherited with my home purchase this year. This is my first woodstove and I enjoy burning enough to know that I want to buy a new stove. I like my stove, but it seems to be very fussy in terms air supply. Initially my stove would overfire because the draft is so strong. After installing a chimney damper I have been able to control the max temperature more easily, and I also installed new seals and caulked the inside of the stove with Woodstocks soapstone paste. If I damper the stove off too much the smoldering smoke will ignite and blow smoke out past the seals. If I allow too much airflow the stove will overfire. It seems I have to leave the door cracked to get the wood going upon recharge (hot coals) as well as have the Cat bypass open and the chimney damper open to get things going. Once going I must close chimney damper to about a 45 degree angle, close the Cat bypass, and close off the door damper to tiny little slits for air. If I forget to do any of these things I risk an over fire or smoldering situation. I apologize for the long winded detail, in short, my stove is too air sensitive, or complicated, or whatever. I fill the firebox around 10 pm and can re-lite from coals as late as 9am or so the next morning. The stove heats my 2600 sq ft house very well with the furnace turning on at 65 degrees only between 5-7 am when the fire has died off. The glass does not stay clear and the box fills with ash sooner than I would like. What stove could I get to heat my house that has EXCELLENT air/burn control, 10 hour burn time, and a nice clear glass front? I am currently leaning towards the Hearthstone Mansfield or the Woodstock Progress Hybrid. I am interested in the Lopi Steel stove but don't know about burn time or air control. I would really like a Tulikivi, but the budget is not there. I would like to own a stove that I could fill over hot coals, set, and walk away for 10 hours. Thanks for any help I might get. This is my first post. Bill