need to find out who made this wood burner, need UL number for insurance

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New Member
Apr 9, 2016
[] need to find out who made this wood burner, need UL number for insurance
Good luck on the UL :(... looks like a home made stove. I could be wrong and will defer to the wood burners though
Good luck on the UL :(... looks like a home made stove. I could be wrong and will defer to the wood burners though
It does have home made add-ons, but it was manufactured... we think in Michigan. UL plate melted off years ago
It does have home made add-ons, but it was manufactured... we think in Michigan. UL plate melted off years ago
With those mods the ul listing would be void. And regardless if there is no ul tag on it the stove is no longer ul listed legally.
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