Remember I told you how my neighbor who used to be into firewood like we are has gotten "complacent" for whatever reason, and has just in the last few weeks started splitting wood for this upcoming Winter? Well, I went by his place this morning and saw that he has a load of wood sitting there that someday soon (maybe?) he will split and stack and it is Oak, and it's not dead Oak either Of all the woods to try to split now in August to use in a few months that has to be one of it not THE worst choice...I just don't know what is going on inside his head, he used to be into it gangbusters but this season has just been so lazy and complacent with it, and he doesn't appear to be in any physical distress or anything when I talk to him; maybe he just is losing the interest, but like I said when he tries to burn that wood in a few months his wife will kill him for smoking up the house-I just don't understand it, but it is of his doing...very strange though, very strange....he'll be nowhere near being ready, not even close.