I found an old Tarm 55 wood boiler on craigslist. It has a few leaks which I hope to repair. I hope I got a good deal for $200 I spent. Anyway, I'm tip toeing into the wood boiler field to use this as axillary heat next to my propane furnace. I have a 1800sqft ranch, 24x40 shop and a 13,000 gal inground pool. We use about 700-900 gal of propane annually. I researched homemade water storage ideas in relation to the space I have available. I have room for 190 gal in my basement and the other options are 125, 190, and 450gal options in my shop. However the more storage I build, the more space I use up. Questions are:
1. Does anyone have a Tarm 55 manual they can email me?
2. The house is drafty in 2 west rooms in our house. Instead of adding a water to air HX in my furnace, I have the idea to add 1 or 2 feet of copper pipe with the FABTEK baseboard fins and tuck it in 2 furnace ducts for these two rooms. I will also add 6" inline fans in each duct controlled by a separate thermostat in those two rooms. Any thoughts on this idea.
3. Researching the resources on the internet, I found that the size my boiler (140k btu/hr) should be fitted to about 500 gal of storage. How important is it that I size my storage to this size. What happens I if choose to build a 125 gal or 190 gal storage instead of the 450 gal option?
1. Does anyone have a Tarm 55 manual they can email me?
2. The house is drafty in 2 west rooms in our house. Instead of adding a water to air HX in my furnace, I have the idea to add 1 or 2 feet of copper pipe with the FABTEK baseboard fins and tuck it in 2 furnace ducts for these two rooms. I will also add 6" inline fans in each duct controlled by a separate thermostat in those two rooms. Any thoughts on this idea.
3. Researching the resources on the internet, I found that the size my boiler (140k btu/hr) should be fitted to about 500 gal of storage. How important is it that I size my storage to this size. What happens I if choose to build a 125 gal or 190 gal storage instead of the 450 gal option?