Well I just got done wth the final touches on my P68 install and though it was wonderful when I finally got it going, I had serious issues with my house being sealed too tightly and not having installed an Outside Fresh air inlet. It smoked badly when I initially started it up and once I opened a door in the house the smoke went up up and away. The sound of the P68 is very soothing and it raised the temp in my living room (which is not little) 3 degrees in 20 minutes which isn't bad considering I had the door open for a while and its 50 degrees outside. I only ran a small batch of pellets through to make sure I had no leaks in my vent piping that I installed and the door glass was sealed properly. This is gonna be a very nice welcome to my home for this coming winter, I just need to find out what kind of fresh air kit will work and where to get it. To all those that have helped me out by answering some of my questions, thanks.