Pat, I think I read about you moving the HX, unless someone else did it...My HX are staying clean, a few things I do that might be helping....about three times a week I throw in a couple of scoops of Rutland Creosote remover...Once every 5-6 weeks I let the fire die down and do a good chimney sweep , brush the HX, and blow compressed air with a wand in through the exhaust, over the back wall, and run the vacuum at the same time....Also I have a temp gauge , wireless, monitoring water temp in and out, when it hits around 130 out and 120 return, I add wood, there is always a good bed of coals at these temps..I have a draft inducer fan installed, if the damper is open, the fan is on...Lastly the green wood, or wet wood gets mixed in, if a piece is real wet or green, I only add it to a full blast fire....If I do ever have to start cold, I build slow, bringing the firebox up to temp...I always had about 150 gallons of storage, so I am sure it helped, this additional 400 should make a nice difference...One thing I was thinking about Pat, even though everything runs fine, I am always thinking of ways to improve...if the Seton is the same, what do you think about adding a steel panel as a cieling across the top. Maybe stop it 6-8 from the front, this would force the gas forward then back toward the exhaust..This could be done easily by gluing up a few firebricks to the ceramic, creating a ledge, then just drop a piece of heavy gauge sheet goods in place...just a thought...