A forming low off the south east coast is expected to track northward and slam the cold New England airmass. By a.m. tomorrow in my part of the northeast the national weather service says 15F for a morning low temp.
Heavy snow on leaf covered trees means power outages and tree snaping. I'm sure we are aware of that but it's way too early in the season. This is more like 7 or 8 weeks away. Best ski season out west on 40yrs. Hmmm, Global warming?? More like global cooling.
Be ready for some free firewood to cut.
Anyone read the farmers almanac for the northeast for this winter?
Heavy snow on leaf covered trees means power outages and tree snaping. I'm sure we are aware of that but it's way too early in the season. This is more like 7 or 8 weeks away. Best ski season out west on 40yrs. Hmmm, Global warming?? More like global cooling.
Be ready for some free firewood to cut.
Anyone read the farmers almanac for the northeast for this winter?