I have a big stack of oak that fell during Sandy in 2012. It has been CSS since June 2013. This is the thread from when I split it and you can see the stack on the left side https://www.hearth.com/talk/threads/my-current-piles.111159/. It has fallen over and been re-built since then, but its all the same wood. They sound like bowling pins when I bang them together, but what about the moisture levels?
I pulled out 3 splits from the pile.
Left split - middle of stack center of pile
Middle split - end of stack from 1 row down
Right split - middle of stack 1 row down, from under tarp
I split them all fresh and checked their moisture levels
Left split - 17% - Looked dry on the inside
Middle split - 26% - I could see the wetness of the grain in this split
Right split - 24% - This one was wet on the inside too
I checked some splits from the other piles I have, which have been CSS for the same amount of time. I have been burning this wood since the stove was installed a little over a month ago. These stacks are a mix of hardwoods and have been burning great. All of these splits checked out between 16-18%
I'm hoping the oak is ready to go for next season. I already have a line on some more which I hope to get CSS soon! I have to build a wood shed first to make room for new seasoning stacks.
I pulled out 3 splits from the pile.
Left split - middle of stack center of pile
Middle split - end of stack from 1 row down
Right split - middle of stack 1 row down, from under tarp
I split them all fresh and checked their moisture levels
Left split - 17% - Looked dry on the inside
Middle split - 26% - I could see the wetness of the grain in this split
Right split - 24% - This one was wet on the inside too
I checked some splits from the other piles I have, which have been CSS for the same amount of time. I have been burning this wood since the stove was installed a little over a month ago. These stacks are a mix of hardwoods and have been burning great. All of these splits checked out between 16-18%
I'm hoping the oak is ready to go for next season. I already have a line on some more which I hope to get CSS soon! I have to build a wood shed first to make room for new seasoning stacks.