Bought an Opel 2 almost 7 years ago from a reputable local heating company. We had installed during the summer in our log cabin which at that time was only 50% finished ( no interior walls yet) Company installed the Opel, lit a small fire and said there you go! While it was summer we had no need to use this stove but by early fall we noticed we couldn't get any heat from it. Called same company, they came back for a few minutes, looked it over and said its fine. Did this on 3 different occasions- the last time they were here they said it must be our wood, advised getting better wood, go ahead and install walls (we were waiting for the stove to be working as ducts were in walls) and were told to go ahead and stone up the fireplace. We took their word, bought "better wood" and stoned up fireplace and put up walls to finish our home. No change, no heat, no amount of air moving. Called again and they said they'd send a representative. Skip ahead 7 years still no rep, still no heat. Has anyone had this experience? When I say no heat I mean we installed the opel and ducted it throughout the house and was told that was the only heating system we needed. All that are ducts ever gave out was cold air. When we make a roaring fire with doors wide open within a few feet you feel the warmth. Stand back 5 feet you need a sweater on. Close the doors and freeze. We're in New Brunswick Canada and all we got was an $8000 ornament. btw I can't find any "better wood" than cut & seasoned lol Any Suggestions?