I recently moved two 500 gallon propane tanks into my basement and am about to start the plumbing work to use them for storage. I wanted to remove the old plugs in them and replace them with new ones, bushings, etc. I was able to remove all but one. The last one just wouldn't come out no matter what I did- heat, cold, penetrating oil, etc. I ended up breaking off the square lug on top of it and had to drill it out. The center was made of of cast iron, which I was able to remove. The threaded section was made of steel and still stuck, threaded into the fitting on the tank. I used a sawzall to make 4 radial cuts through it, trying to stop just shy of the thread in the fitting welded in the tank. This worked just fine and I was able to easily remove the threaded sections. But, of course I cut into the threads in the tank fitting, perpendicular to them, maybe 1/32" deep. Now I am concerned that when I put the new plug in, it may leak. What does everyone think? Am I going to have to weld this shut?