I've finally figured out an overnight burn that works for me without any issues.
In the past:
Get the coals going and fill that sucker up (maybe 4-5 splits) in the Oslo. By morning, about 8 hours later, I had a few coals and needed to use kindling to get another fire going.
For the past 3 nights, I've used 2 huge splits (talking one in the 10" square range and another in the 4x12 range) and the coals in the morning were plenty to restart with just small splits. The temps have also still been over 200 instead of about 100-125 range. I think I may have something here.
Right now I'm doing it again, stove is rolling at about 400-450 with good afterburn. See what happens before hunting in the morning.
Thinking I'm on to something and am excited.
PS: Yes I have plenty of these, I can burn them now as well as the rest of the winter. Also have about 25 cords on deck for the next year OR SO.
I've finally figured out an overnight burn that works for me without any issues.
In the past:
Get the coals going and fill that sucker up (maybe 4-5 splits) in the Oslo. By morning, about 8 hours later, I had a few coals and needed to use kindling to get another fire going.
For the past 3 nights, I've used 2 huge splits (talking one in the 10" square range and another in the 4x12 range) and the coals in the morning were plenty to restart with just small splits. The temps have also still been over 200 instead of about 100-125 range. I think I may have something here.
Right now I'm doing it again, stove is rolling at about 400-450 with good afterburn. See what happens before hunting in the morning.
Thinking I'm on to something and am excited.
PS: Yes I have plenty of these, I can burn them now as well as the rest of the winter. Also have about 25 cords on deck for the next year OR SO.