I have a 4 year old P61A. We love the stove. Up until about 6 months ago we never had any issues with it. I take really good care to keep it clean. Towards the end of last heating season it started filling the burn pot with pellets but wouldn't light. I cleaned EVERYTHING and it still wouldn't fire so I relied the igniter. Worked great for about a month. Then in Aprilnof last hear it did the same thing again. We were basically done with the heating season so I just shut it off. At the beginning of this heating season I again cleaned EVERYTHING but it still wouldn't fire. Soni delved the igniter again. It was working great for about two weeks. This morning I came downstairs and again found the burn pot full of unburned pellets. Scraped everything down, unplugged the stove and tried again. Nothing. It wont fire. I have a hard time believing it's the igniter again. I mean 3 ignites go bad the quickly? Does anyone have any suggestions as to something else that may be causing this issue? Could the board be going bad? I'm so frustrated with this stove right now. Thanks.