I've ran my Fireboss for 3 seasons and figured it was time for pipe replacement. Some questions trying to get better draft. Someone suggested I go from 7" to 6" diameter piping and reduce the travel distance to the flue. So I still have the same amount of turns but they will be more direct and the first turn will be 45 instead of a 90 and the smoke can travel at an upward angle instead of running flat. Anyway question can I have a elbow right off the stove discharge. I have flame arrestor welded in so it will do catch full flame. And also do I need to run my last section of pipe far back into the flue or can I just use a reducer straight to the flue.
PS yes I need to do some cleaning up. This is pre sweep and cleaning l.
PS yes I need to do some cleaning up. This is pre sweep and cleaning l.