Possible Fisher XL Find

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Burning Hunk
Jun 3, 2013
Amarillo, TX
I spotted this in a local CL ad, called and I've set up a pick up date.
[Hearth.com] Possible Fisher XL Find
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Looks like original paint too. I don't know if there were solid black doors that were not nickel or brass plated.
The inside of the doors were plated too, so it won't take much to find out. If so, it's the first one I've seen with no plating.
The ash fender in the picture isn't pushed on tight, they remove easily with pins through the front by simply pulling off to get through doorways. Only XL had that feature as well as 10 inch outlet and "Sun Door". The door opening will be arched when you open it compared to flat across the top on all other Fishers.
You should find a bright shiny tag under the left rear leg with UT #............ let me know the stove number if it's there, I keep track of who owns them and in time may figure out when baffles started.

Never seen an XL without ball feet as well. It will be interesting to see if it has welded inserts behind the legs to screw ball stud into. If it does, ask the seller if they know if they have them ! Not easy to make !!

[Hearth.com] Possible Fisher XL Find
Here's the Fisher XL I picked up, #6936. I'll check if there's a threaded piece attached to the leg inside corners. The ash pan fits pretty loose, I'd say the holes crudely bored with a torch are too big for the pins and it sags.

[Hearth.com] Possible Fisher XL Find [Hearth.com] Possible Fisher XL Find [Hearth.com] Possible Fisher XL Find
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Time to replace the fire bricks and give it a test burn.
Thread the pins to pull the ash fender tight with nuts and washers?
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I'll take some pics of the hole, looks like I could fill in the hole and re-drill a clean hole. Yes threading the pin will work also.
Did you give the doors a wipe to see if they are plated? I've never seen a solid black painted door, but they all seem to have a stainless stamped tag as well. Never seen initials under a stove from Utah either.
If you're not painting the outside, try the inside of doors with lacquer thinner that removes the paint easily. They would be plated inside and out.

[Hearth.com] Possible Fisher XL Find Inside of nickel plated unfired XL.

It's also strange that the draft caps are fully painted. The edges were normally wiped with mineral spirits before final cure as shown below;

[Hearth.com] Possible Fisher XL Find

Your screen and frame should be stainless as well;

[Hearth.com] Possible Fisher XL Find
I haven't had any time to check for plating yet, hopefully this weekend.

Does anyone make cheap 10 inch double wall piping- WOW.

(broken link removed)
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