Hello all, my Lopi Evergreen was just installed and the first burn went awesome! It definitely stank during the paint curing process so windows were open! That being said, the second burn and the windows are shut. However, it took a lot more attempts to start, wood moisture below 15, vent wide open, bypass wide open, green start made a great bead of embers. I cracked a window and it started burning better so suspect a negative pressure issue.
Has anybody ever installed a powered make up air system or is the fresh air venting good enough? I read an article where the fresh air venting can cause issues, where a powered make up air system provides a better solution.
Has anybody ever installed a powered make up air system or is the fresh air venting good enough? I read an article where the fresh air venting can cause issues, where a powered make up air system provides a better solution.
A non-commercial service in support of responsible home heating with wood - The Outdoor Air Myth Exposed
The Wood Heat Organization was formed to support the public in the responsible use of wood energy in the home. We fulfill our mandate by providing reliable information, by conducting research into wood heating-related issues and by representing the public interest in discussions of policies that...