Pre-install questions w/pics on Osburn 2400

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Oct 28, 2012
So my osburn 2400 arrived Wed. While I had measured countless times before I pulled the trigger I was quite surprised with the overall size of it!! I bought a bag of roxul today, to fill in around the sides/back but not sure there will be enough empty space to bother with it as it currently sits.

When my Jotul was installed they only took out the door and bottom flooring so the steel backing and sides of the old school fireplace is still in there. Is there any reason to ripping the rest of this out if i dont need to? See last pic.

I started gathering supplies for the 2400 install later this week. I was reading the manual last night and it stated how there are a few remaining bricks and tubes to install as they arent shipped that way. Well upon going out to the garage this afternoon to do that, it looks like they do in fact ship that way? See 1st photo

It also mentions making sure that the inlet holes on the back of the sides are not blocked with the blanket when putting this all together, yet I cant see anyway to verify that?
Lastly is Im familar with the flames wrapping around the front of the secondary plate on my Jotul. This has said insulation blanket there and I'm a bit paranoid of this just lighting up on the first good fire. But this is how it should be? See 2nd pic [] Pre-install questions w/pics on Osburn 2400[] Pre-install questions w/pics on Osburn 2400[] Pre-install questions w/pics on Osburn 2400
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Can you look through the flue collar to confirm the blanket is all the way back and laying flat?
I think it all seems to look normal. As begreen said, make sure the insulation is not bunched up on top of the baffle. It should lay flat.
I hope you have better luck with the blanket than I did on my 1600. It was a PIA to get in and even worse to get out when I cleaned. I'm not sure of the difference between a c-cast, vermiculite baffle and fire brick. My stove came without a blanket when I bought it new. Different years of my model had different combinations of blankets, c-cast baffle, vermiculite baffle w/ no blanket and fire brick baffle. Mine had fire brick baffle so I decided to try a blanket. Gets full of fly ash, and absolute mess to remove. I was never quite sure if it was in right as you are working blind to get it in. After running with and without it I could find no appreciable difference in stove top temps or performance. I left it out at the last cleaning.

If you have the hearth room use the maximum extension out of the fire box. That extra 3.5" of stove sticking out does make a big difference.

Beautiful stove by the way. I dream of one day replacing mine with a larger model. It has been a great stove though
I thought that blanket was going to burn too but it does not. We just installed this same unit last week. It's awesome you are going to love it. It heats up quick and gives off a ton of heat. I was surprised how big it was. We had to modify fire place a tad get back corners all the way in. After it was in I put roxul where I could, not much room in either side of it. Awesome stove though. You will def enjoy it.
the blanket looks fine from the front there should be a metal circular plate on top of the blanket to stop it from from moving if you look down the flue collar you can check it out
When cleaning my friends Buck it was a PIA to get the blanky back and not sure if it was good when it was. So we used masking tape to secure it and it was perfect. This is a trick we'd use repacking our race quads....

We since said to hell with that setup and bought ceramic boards to replace it.
Can you look through the flue collar to confirm the blanket is all the way back and laying flat?
I took a look in there and all appears to be flat..

I thought that blanket was going to burn too but it does not. We just installed this same unit last week. It's awesome you are going to love it. It heats up quick and gives off a ton of heat. I was surprised how big it was. We had to modify fire place a tad get back corners all the way in. After it was in I put roxul where I could, not much room in either side of it. Awesome stove though. You will def enjoy it.
Always good to hear, thanks!!

the blanket looks fine from the front there should be a metal circular plate on top of the blanket to stop it from from moving if you look down the flue collar you can check it out
Seems like an interesting design, but so long as it works.

I bought a bag of roxul at HD over the weekend, with the idea that i was going to insulate what open area was left around the insert and then the above my block off plate.. Well after getting the surround off my Jotul and remembering my firebox cavity is slightly angled in front to back I dont think I'm going to be insulating around the insert (due to less open room than previously thought)
I still want to insulate the plate, but at $50 for the bag of Roxul that I will only use a 2'x1' piece, that's alot of insulation to not use or having any future use for. Are there any other insulation options that woudlnt come in such large quantities??
Use the Roxul to pack the top portion of the chimney and above the damper for as far as you can. Then put in the blockoff plate.
I'm tempted to try and push it up in there but i'm afraid i wouldnt even get 1 batt in the bottom and the top is already sealed off.... Arrgg and I know once I open it, its mine and im not really interested in having another roll of insulation collecting dust in my garage next to my r-13...
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