I cannot find my old thread about this so I have to post a new one. Since my last thread I have learned allot about these stoves. There is still something going on with my CB1200 that has me ready to throw it away and buy a new one! Seriously! Before I go into detail about what the problem is, let me give you some background info first. I have replaced and/or tested the following as a process of elimination:
*Ignitor is still good, I have unplugged the combustion motor and turned the stove on with the ignitor cover off and watched it glow red with my own eyes.
*Auger motor is still good, comes on when its supposed to
*Pellet feed rate is set, pellets do not get jammed up there
*Stove is clean clean clean clean!
*Thermocouple and thermocouple ceramic cover is new
*All necessary gaskets are new
*Vacuum hose thing has been unplugged and blown out multiple times
*Thermostat anticipator has been toyed with time and time again and set back to where it was originally, thermostat is in good shape and set to the proper volts etc.
*Snap discs are in good order
The problem that will not go away is this: in the evening when the stove is cold and we start it, it runs fine. We go to bed, we wake up freezing our A**es off and have to walk over and press the restart button...EVERY SINGLE TIME The red light calling for heat is on. I am SICK of this! I am about to literally take a sawzall and cut the chimney pipe off at the stove and wheel it outside with a hand truck and dump it off the cliff and have a stove company come install a wood stove! This is retarded. What is going on? About the only definitive solution/insight I have come across is that the cooldown time between start up is too small, therefore signaling the stove to go into shut down mode or whatever.
I have googled my symptoms to death and even found this thread: https://www.hearth.com/talk/threads/quadrafire-cb-1200-problem-on-start-up.120067/
My issue is similar to the OP in that thread, however my problems happens EVERY TIME THE STOVE STARTS UP! Works fine till turns off at desired heat, then when the temp drops..it won't come back on, no pellets it pot, red light on.
I cannot find my old thread about this so I have to post a new one. Since my last thread I have learned allot about these stoves. There is still something going on with my CB1200 that has me ready to throw it away and buy a new one! Seriously! Before I go into detail about what the problem is, let me give you some background info first. I have replaced and/or tested the following as a process of elimination:
*Ignitor is still good, I have unplugged the combustion motor and turned the stove on with the ignitor cover off and watched it glow red with my own eyes.
*Auger motor is still good, comes on when its supposed to
*Pellet feed rate is set, pellets do not get jammed up there
*Stove is clean clean clean clean!
*Thermocouple and thermocouple ceramic cover is new
*All necessary gaskets are new
*Vacuum hose thing has been unplugged and blown out multiple times
*Thermostat anticipator has been toyed with time and time again and set back to where it was originally, thermostat is in good shape and set to the proper volts etc.
*Snap discs are in good order
The problem that will not go away is this: in the evening when the stove is cold and we start it, it runs fine. We go to bed, we wake up freezing our A**es off and have to walk over and press the restart button...EVERY SINGLE TIME The red light calling for heat is on. I am SICK of this! I am about to literally take a sawzall and cut the chimney pipe off at the stove and wheel it outside with a hand truck and dump it off the cliff and have a stove company come install a wood stove! This is retarded. What is going on? About the only definitive solution/insight I have come across is that the cooldown time between start up is too small, therefore signaling the stove to go into shut down mode or whatever.
I have googled my symptoms to death and even found this thread: https://www.hearth.com/talk/threads/quadrafire-cb-1200-problem-on-start-up.120067/
My issue is similar to the OP in that thread, however my problems happens EVERY TIME THE STOVE STARTS UP! Works fine till turns off at desired heat, then when the temp drops..it won't come back on, no pellets it pot, red light on.