After experiencing the error of buying a King 5500M just over 2 years ago, we are again shopping for a new stove. Both blowers have gone 1 day apart. I have been told it's probably the circuit board (which still lights up and flash). We decided to put the nearly $1000. (if all 3 are needed) in to a new unit.
Any thoughts on either stove? The price difference ( with the available coupon) is about $400. The King would heat our house with a setting on 1 the majority of time, pushing up to 2 on really cold nights. I'm guessing the BTU's of either would be enough.
Any thoughts on either stove? The price difference ( with the available coupon) is about $400. The King would heat our house with a setting on 1 the majority of time, pushing up to 2 on really cold nights. I'm guessing the BTU's of either would be enough.