Last night i decided to start a fire in my new stove and see what kind of burn time i would get and see if there would be pretty of coals in the morning to start another fire, I purchased a country wood stove model s- 260 this spring i've done my three burns to cure my stove, well the manual stated that it will take a good week of hot fireing to fully cure the stove, well anyway i loaded the stove up with a good load of black locust and got fire going pretty good kept the draft open until the temps were about 450 then i started playing with the draft control to see what effect it had on the fire, The draft control knob has three notched out markings in the rod itself to help with the settings. My question is how hot do you try to get the stove temps up to before backing the draft down? I know this sounds like a stupid question ,but this will be my first year burning and there is alot I still don't know . I want to get long burn times and not waste wood and sended all my heat up the chimmey, how hot will you guys burn a stove before backing the draft down?, I woke up this morning and my stove had pretty of hot coals in it and the temp was about 200 degrees and had one mad wife for building a fire when it was 64 degrees outside but i could not help myself.