Hello all. I recently installed a us stove 1600 Ef outdoor wood furnace. It's a forced air. It sits 10 feet from my house and I did a temporary install where I took insulated flex pipe for the hot air duct(10") through my crawl space opening and tied into my main line duct under my house. I then for the temporary part took the 12" cold air return and just have some 12" duct running I to the crawl space and covered then end with window screen to keep critters out. Before it has dipped into the low 20's. I was easily able to keep the house 74-77. Now that it's in the teens and 20's the house is wanting to stay in the high 60's(fine for me. Wife not so much). I have the internal blower settings where it kicks on at 187 and goes off at 120 degrees. My question is if I was to take the cold air return and run it into my attic and tie it into the cold air duct in our ceiling return where it had a real cold air return, do you think it would get me the extra performance needed to combat the colder temps. My house is a single level fairly open floor plan newer spec home 1550 sq feet. Yes I know this isn't how it was suppose to be hooked up from the beginning. But I didn't want to cut holes in my soffet and build boxes to hide the duct if it want going to work for us