Been having this problem every few days or so. I keep the stove clean and vac it out once a week too. My stove will give me the error code 06-No Pellets but the fire pot is full of pellets. My guess is that the flame is getting too low during modulation and the pellets aren’t catching. I’m using a soft wood pellet that is very low ash and am happy with so far. Any ideas on how to fix or experience with this is appreciated.
Been having this problem every few days or so. I keep the stove clean and vac it out once a week too. My stove will give me the error code 06-No Pellets but the fire pot is full of pellets. My guess is that the flame is getting too low during modulation and the pellets aren’t catching. I’m using a soft wood pellet that is very low ash and am happy with so far. Any ideas on how to fix or experience with this is appreciated.