I have a regency I2400 that is slow to start. It is about 12 years old, but new to me. Once I getting it going pretty good (flames on all of the wood loaded and flue at about 500F), I can close the draft control and in about 5 min all of the flame is gone. It is my understanding that new stoves should have a minimum amount of air even in the closed position so this can't happen. It has a 6" flue that is about 15ft tall and it is clean. I checked the holes for the glass air wash and the one primary air hole which looks to be just one ~1/4 hole and they are clear. Is there really just one 1/4 hole for the primary air on this thing or am I missing something? I can't get to the air control valve to inspect it to see if it is dirty. Any suggestions of why am not getting enough combustion air or what to check? Thanks.